Friday, July 1, 2011

Without a Trace

Ever since I was six I've worried about disappearing into the world without leaving a lasting mark.  And I dreamed of the day I would grow up and win that Nobel Prize that would imprint me onto the face of recorded history forever.

Well, I've decided that I'm not going to wait.  I've watched countless CSI's and Law and Order's that I've come to the decision that I might not live until I'm ninety.  I might not even live until I'm thirty so why wait for an article of mine to end up in the New York Times?  I'm going to send my words into the world and not wait for the day that I disappear.

So these are my words.  My posts recording the excitement of being sixteen going on seventeen and growing out of the pink room and polka dot curtains.  And sharing everything that I love whether it be food, clothes, redecorating, or makeup or even movies.

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