Monday, July 18, 2011

Tuesday Night

Last Tuesday, (Yes, I know, I'm the queen of posting on time) I dyed my hair and neck red, made yummy shortcake, and had bad karaoke night with my sister.  Successful?  I'm still waiting for the results.

My hair didn't turn out quite as planned.  Even after a fair warning from The Beauty Department about at home red dye jobs, I still opted for the cheaper route and bought a ten dollar box of "medium auburn."  Let me tell you.  Listen to Kristin.

After a seven year affinity with red hair and four red highlights on the underside of my hair, I finally went all out and died my entire head hair.  Or should I say most of my hair as I didn't have enough dye to get the whole.  Although, I didn't get to be the princess of the sea and then end up being Prince Charming's princess.
And just today I redyed it with a light brown and got the original "medium auburn" I had expected.

Before I dyed my hair, my sister and I made the best peach and blueberry shortbread bar.  It's from Matchbook and it's here on page 110-111; a bit hard to find but it's worth it.  The peaches were a messy job to cut (and of course I got it)  but they tasted so good in the dish.  Just make sure you peel the skin off!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Something Borrowed

A fellow blogger recently did a post about weddings and it got me thinking.  What am I going to wear to the wedding my family's friend is having in a week?  Well it would go something like this:

So what do you all think?  Yay or nay?

Thrift Store, Here I Come!

I just saw this cute little DIY project on ... Love Maegan and I'm ready to jump in the car and run to the thrift store this moment.  Who knows what cute tank top could become my next beach bag.

I've got to admit that the first example she puts up isn't all that flattering but I just love the look of the blue one she makes.  It's adorable.

Ramen Girl

Yesterday, I watched Ramen Girl.  It  follows Abby (Brittany Murphy) who decides to apprentice under Maezumi (Toshiyuki Nishida.)  I was very apprehensive about it at first since I'm not into movies about self centered, pitiful girls but my sister made me agree to it as long as she watched Doctor Who with me.  It turned out great and I'm really happy that I watched it.

Well, of course, it made me crave ramen like no other.  So here's a recipe (for two) that my mom taught me when I was younger.  I'm not a fan of  measurements since it just prolongs the time between preparing and eating with all of that fancy-shcmancy measuring.

Top Ramen:

Two small cans of diced tomatoes
A heavy sprinkle of onion powder
Peas to taste
A large handful of onion
Ground beef to taste
Two packets of ramen

1) Saute the onions to a light brown and toss in the meat.  Use however much you like but you want a pretty even ratio between the tomatoes and meat.  (I use MorningStar's  Veggie Crumbles since I'm vegetarian)
2) Add in the peas and onion powder and continue to cook until the meat is fully cooked.
3) Add in the whole contents of the diced tomatoes, stir, and let simmer on medium heat.
4) Cook ramen noodles to done, save the seasoning for another day. Drain noodles.
5) By this time a lot of the liquid would have evaporated from the tomatoes, this is good.
6) Serve top ramen on top of the warm ramen noodles.

The top ramen should look like spaghetti sauce.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Hair

This great do took me less than five minutes to finish.  It's effortless beauty and that's what makes it so appealing to me.  The perfect for summer hair is loose and free while giving you a new look.  I would've taken a photo of it but unfortunately my camera's gone missing.
I took out the extra part that the model has added to her do from the left of her part.  It didn't look very good from the front.

I love trying new hair-do's does anyone have any new suggestions?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Giveaway Entered

When a fellow blogger commented on one of my posts the other day, I went straight to her blog and began reading.  Well, I must say, she makes me smile in everyone of her posts.  Maybe there's something in that Jersey water...

She's holding a giveaway on her site and I entered it (prize shown below.)  You all should too.  It's exciting thinking I might just win.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I'm loving this dress I just found on Sebastian Errazuriz's website.  It's a dress made completely of zippers.  And I love it's flexibility but my favorite is the strapless dress shown below.  Now if only I could buy it.
The only problem I have with it is the thought of having all of that cold, metal zipper on my body. Ouch.

On a Vintage High

I found that Pixlr has a retro vintage editor and I'm obsessed.  You can try it out on one of their photos before you move on and do your own; which is what I did, look at my profile picture.  It looks great!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Three Things

1) Blueberry and strawberry homemade pie.  Who doesn't love the warm satisfaction that comes from eating something good, that you made nonetheless?
Here's a great recipe that I love to use.  They're easy and just plain adorable!
2) Eyeliner.  I can't leave the house without it on.  It's a must have. 
I prefer liquid for my upper lid and pencil for my bottom lashes. My favorite pencil eyeliner must be Sephora's  Urban Decay; it glides on so smoothly and barely moves!
3) My newest obsession?  FEDORAS.  They add just that one thing needed to spice up an outfit.  Plus, they keep your hair intact and out of your face on windy days.  And they're cheap, maybe that's why Jessica Alba here has so many.  Walmart and Kmart both have them for only ten dollars.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Without a Trace

Ever since I was six I've worried about disappearing into the world without leaving a lasting mark.  And I dreamed of the day I would grow up and win that Nobel Prize that would imprint me onto the face of recorded history forever.

Well, I've decided that I'm not going to wait.  I've watched countless CSI's and Law and Order's that I've come to the decision that I might not live until I'm ninety.  I might not even live until I'm thirty so why wait for an article of mine to end up in the New York Times?  I'm going to send my words into the world and not wait for the day that I disappear.

So these are my words.  My posts recording the excitement of being sixteen going on seventeen and growing out of the pink room and polka dot curtains.  And sharing everything that I love whether it be food, clothes, redecorating, or makeup or even movies.